Why Use Connect Call Handling?
If you use an answering machine or voicemail to take your calls when no one else can, you could well be missing out on more business than you realize: as many as 80% of callers hang up when they hear a recorded message. You are probably one of them yourself.
If callers can’t speak to someone the first time they call, the chances are they won’t call back and someone else will get their business instead of you.
Our range of call handling services ensure that your callers won’t be met with an engaged tone or a recorded message. They will be greeted by one of your Connect call handling team who will deal with their enquiry, carefully following your instructions
Catch the new business enquiries that you’re missing.
Whether new customers call you in response to a specific marketing campaign or because they already know of your business, every new enquiry is precious. If you or the rest of your team are with existing customers or simply not able to answer calls you will miss out on new customers and new business.
Our range of call handling services ensure that, no matter where you are or how busy you are, you won’t miss out on new sales opportunities.
Improved Customer Service
Whether they are calling to place an additional order or to discuss part of your service, your existing customers will be delighted that they can speak to an individual every time they call rather than often having to either leave a voicemail message or just call back later. You will also be able to dedicate your time with existing customers exclusively to them rather that be distracted by incoming calls.
Improve your company’s image
Having your calls answered by a friendly receptionist can really make a huge difference to how your business in perceived by your customers. Whether you can’t take their call because you are in a meeting or on your mobile at a noisy event, your callers will be able to speak to a friendly and helpful receptionist to help them with their enquiry.
Save money on staffing
Staffing costs are usually the biggest expenditure that businesses have so employing a member of staff specifically for reception duties often doesn’t make sense. Similarly, you want your other staff to be able to devote their time to their main role rather than be distracted by incoming calls. Our range of call handling services means that you can have the benefits of a dedicated receptionist for a fraction of the cost.
Stop wasting time on sales calls
Unsolicited sales calls offering everything from office supplies to competitions are an all-too-familiar part of everyday business life but using our range of call handling services means that you can get on with your day uninterrupted by these notorious pests. Our team will carefully filter out unwanted sales calls and, best of all; we don’t even charge you for dealing with them.
Click here to start your 30 day free trial, call us on 0333 4141 999